Celebrating World Breastfeeding Week With Jekoha
Image Credit madisonrose__photography
To highlight the significance of World Breastfeeding Week we are thrilled to present a heartfelt collection of stories from remarkable and nurturing mothers, celebrating their extraordinary breastfeeding journeys. Each narrative is a testament to the unique experiences that define these wonderful women.
Through these captivating stories, we hope to uplift and inspire as we delve into the diverse and awe-inspiring experiences of these beautiful mums and their cherished breastfeeding connections.
Let us introduce you to Jekoha, an inspiring and nurturing 30-year-old mother of three, whose fervent dedication to health and nutrition shines through in every aspect of her life. When she's not dedicating time as a nurse in the hospital orthopaedics ward, Jekoha embraces the joy of motherhood while currently cherishing her maternity leave with her youngest baby.
Living in the picturesque town of Tugun, Queensland and despite facing the challenges of a home that was ravaged by floods last year, she stands strong, embodying resilience and grace.
Jekoha could you tell us a little about your breastfeeding Journey?
J: I’ve had three very different breastfeeding journeys and lots of challenges, guilt, and triumph along the way. It’s not always easy breastfeeding but I have found that with support and knowledge it can be.
I was quite shocked at how hard breastfeeding was with my first baby, not one person told me it would be I just assumed baby is born and goes on the nipple no issues. I was very naive and quickly realised that it was actually harder than giving birth. For me anyway!

Did you ever feel uncomfortable breastfeeding in public?
J: Yes and no, it truly depends on where I am and who is around but overall I always choose babies needs first. If I am uncomfortable I use my Marmee Nurture Me Scarf, it clips easily to my nursing bras and it’s easy to pack in my baby bag due to its light breathable material. If I’m comfortable when I’m out, I just feed like I would at home but I always make sure my back is fully supported.

What do you love most about breastfeeding?
J: It feels natural, soothes and slows down time for me and I don’t need to pack anything I can leave the house easily and feed on the go. I also feel it’s a natural pain relief and comfort when your baby is unsettled.
Is there anything you don’t like about breastfeeding?
J: Truly I love it! Third time around it’s been so lovely and I feel so lucky to have been able to breastfeed all three of my children, however short or long it may have been.
What advice would you give to a new mum who is starting her breastfeeding journey?
J: Be gentle with yourself in the first few months of breastfeeding it can be a lot on our bodies, and invest in a supportive breastfeeding chair, spectra pump, feeding pillow and big drink bottle, (cause I’m still thirsty 24/7). Make sure you have a supportive team around you - and if you are having trouble reach out to a lactation consultant, they can help with so many obstacles that can occur with breastfeeding, and just know that whichever way you feed your baby, is the best way.